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Tina Jenkins
Tina Jenkins

Lois Lowry Messenger Free Pdf: Download and Read the Third Book in the Giver Quartet

- Summary: A brief overview of the plot and characters of Messenger - Analysis: A critical evaluation of the themes, messages, and style of Messenger - Conclusion: A summary of the main points and a recommendation for readers H2: Introduction - What is Messenger and how it connects to The Giver and Gathering Blue - Provide some background information on Lois Lowry and her dystopian series - Explain the premise and setting of Messenger and how it relates to the previous books - Hook the reader's interest with a question or a quote H2: Summary - A brief overview of the plot and characters of Messenger - Introduce Matty, the protagonist, and his role as a messenger in Village - Describe the main conflict and challenge that Matty faces when he has to deliver a message to Kira - Highlight the key events and twists that happen along Matty's journey - Mention how Matty discovers his healing power and how it affects him and others H2: Analysis - A critical evaluation of the themes, messages, and style of Messenger - Discuss how Lowry explores the concepts of utopia, dystopia, and community in Messenger - Explain how Lowry uses symbolism, imagery, and foreshadowing to convey her ideas - Compare and contrast Messenger with The Giver and Gathering Blue in terms of tone, mood, and perspective - Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Messenger as a standalone novel and as part of a series H2: Conclusion - A summary of the main points and a recommendation for readers - Restate the thesis statement and the main arguments of the article - Provide some personal opinions and insights on Messenger and its impact - Recommend Messenger to readers who enjoy dystopian fiction, young adult literature, or Lois Lowry's works - End with a call to action or a final thought ## Article with HTML formatting Lois Lowry Messenger Free Pdf: A Review of the Third Book in the Giver Quartet

If you have read The Giver or Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry, you might be curious about what happens next in her dystopian world. In this article, we will review Messenger, the third book in the Giver Quartet, which unites characters from both previous books. We will also provide a link to download a free pdf version of Messenger for your convenience.

Lois Lowry Messenger Free Pdf


Messenger is a novel by Lois Lowry that was published in 2004. It is the third book in the Giver Quartet, a series of four books that explore different aspects of a futuristic society where people live under strict rules and regulations. The first book, The Giver, follows Jonas, a boy who receives memories of the past from an old man called The Giver. The second book, Gathering Blue, follows Kira, a girl who has a gift for weaving and lives in a village where people with disabilities are shunned. The third book, Messenger, follows Matty, a boy who has a special ability to heal living things and lives in a village where people are welcomed regardless of their differences.

Messenger connects to The Giver and Gathering Blue by bringing together some of their characters and settings. For example, Matty is the same boy who helped Kira escape from her village in Gathering Blue. He now lives in Village, a place where Jonas from The Giver also resides as their leader. Village is a peaceful community where people value honesty, kindness, and generosity. However, things start to change when some villagers become greedy and selfish, wanting to close their borders to newcomers. Matty has to deliver a message to Kira, who lives in another village, before it is too late.

If you are interested in finding out more about Messenger and how it relates to The Giver and Gathering Blue, keep reading this article. We will give you a summary of the plot, an analysis of the themes and messages, and a conclusion with our recommendation. You can also download a free pdf version of Messenger by clicking on the link below.

Download Lois Lowry Messenger Free Pdf Here


Messenger tells the story of Matty, a young boy who lives in Village, a utopian community where people from different backgrounds and cultures are accepted and respected. Matty works as a messenger, delivering messages and goods between Village and other nearby settlements. He is also friends with Leader, the man who guides Village with his ability to see beyond. Leader is actually Jonas, the boy who escaped from his controlled society in The Giver.

Matty loves his life in Village, but he notices that some villagers are becoming discontent and restless. They start to trade their most valuable possessions and qualities for material things, such as gaming machines, weapons, and plastic surgery. They also want to close Village to outsiders, fearing that they will lose their resources and identity. Matty is shocked and saddened by these changes, especially when he sees his adoptive father, Seer, being treated poorly by some villagers. Seer is a blind man who came to Village with Matty from Kira's village in Gathering Blue.

One day, Leader announces that he will close Village to newcomers after the next Trade Mart, a gathering where people exchange their goods and services. He asks Matty to deliver a message to Kira, his daughter, who lives in the village where Matty and Seer came from. Kira is a gifted weaver who is working on a mysterious robe that has the power to reveal the future. Leader wants Kira to come to Village before it is closed, so that they can be together as a family.

Matty agrees to go on the mission, hoping that he can also bring back his friend Branch, a dog that he left behind when he fled from his old village. He sets off on his journey through the Forest, a dangerous and mysterious place that surrounds Village. Along the way, he encounters many obstacles and perils, such as wild animals, poisonous plants, and hostile people. He also discovers that he has a healing power that can restore life and health to anything he touches.

As Matty travels through the Forest, he realizes that it is also changing and becoming more hostile and corrupted. He suspects that it has something to do with the Trade Mart and the greed of the villagers. He tries to reach Kira's village as fast as he can, but he finds it in a state of chaos and violence. He manages to find Kira and convince her to come with him to Village. He also reunites with Branch, who has been wounded by a hunter.

Matty, Kira, and Branch make their way back to Village, but they face more challenges and dangers from the Forest and the people who want to stop them. Matty uses his healing power to protect them, but it drains his energy and life force. He sacrifices himself to save Kira, Branch, and Village from destruction. He dies in Leader's arms, but not before giving him a message of hope and love.


Messenger is a novel that explores the themes of utopia, dystopia, community, identity, sacrifice, and love. Lowry uses various literary devices such as symbolism, imagery, and foreshadowing to convey her ideas and messages.

One of the main themes of Messenger is utopia versus dystopia. A utopia is an ideal society where everything is perfect and harmonious. A dystopia is a flawed society where everything is oppressive and miserable. Lowry shows how utopia can turn into dystopia when people lose their values and morals. For example, Village is initially a utopia where people live happily and peacefully together. However, it becomes a dystopia when some villagers trade their souls for material things and become selfish and cruel. They also want to isolate themselves from other people who are different from them.

Another theme of Messenger is community versus individualism. A community is a group of people who share common interests and goals. Individualism is the belief that one's own needs and desires are more important than those of others. Lowry shows how community can be beneficial or harmful depending on how people treat each other. For example, Village is a positive community where people help and support each other. However, it becomes a negative community when some villagers betray and hurt each other for their own gain. They also reject newcomers who need their help.

Analysis (continued)

and expectations of others. Lowry shows how identity can be lost or preserved depending on how people value themselves and their gifts. For example, Matty loses his identity as a messenger when he trades his true name for Messenger at the Trade Mart. He also risks losing his identity as a healer when he uses his power for selfish reasons, such as healing his acne. However, he preserves his identity as a hero when he sacrifices himself to save Village and Forest. Similarly, Kira preserves her identity as a weaver when she refuses to trade her lame leg for a normal one. She also preserves her identity as a visionary when she completes her robe that shows the past, present, and future.

A fourth theme of Messenger is sacrifice versus greed. Sacrifice is the act of giving up something valuable for the sake of something else. Greed is the desire to have more than one needs or deserves. Lowry shows how sacrifice can be noble and heroic, while greed can be destructive and evil. For example, Matty sacrifices his life to heal Village and Forest, which is an act of love and courage. However, some villagers trade their souls for material things, which is an act of greed and selfishness. They also try to prevent others from entering Village, which is an act of cruelty and fear.

A fifth theme of Messenger is love versus hate. Love is the feeling of affection and care for someone or something. Hate is the feeling of dislike and hostility for someone or something. Lowry shows how love can overcome hate, even in the darkest times. For example, Matty loves Kira and Branch, and he risks his life to bring them to Village. He also loves Leader and Seer, and he gives them a message of hope before he dies. Leader loves Matty and Kira, and he tries to save them from the Forest. He also loves Village and Forest, and he tries to restore them to their original state. Kira loves Matty and Leader, and she decides to join them in Village. She also loves her gift of weaving, and she uses it to reveal the truth.


In conclusion, Messenger is a novel that explores various themes such as utopia, dystopia, community, identity, sacrifice, and love. Lowry uses symbolism, imagery, and foreshadowing to convey her ideas and messages. She also connects Messenger to The Giver and Gathering Blue by bringing together some of their characters and settings.

Messenger is a novel that can appeal to readers who enjoy dystopian fiction, young adult literature, or Lois Lowry's works. It offers a compelling story of a boy who discovers his gift of healing and uses it to save his world from corruption and destruction. It also offers a thought-provoking commentary on the values and morals of society and humanity.

If you are interested in reading Messenger or other books by Lois Lowry, you can download a free pdf version of Messenger by clicking on the link below.

Download Lois Lowry Messenger Free Pdf Here


Here are some frequently asked questions about Messenger and its author.

  • Who is Lois Lowry?

Lois Lowry is an American author who has written more than 40 books for children and young adults. She is best known for her Giver Quartet series, which consists of The Giver (1993), Gathering Blue (2000), Messenger (2004), and Son (2012). She has won two Newbery Medals for The Giver and Number the Stars (1989), as well as many other awards and honors.

  • What is the Giver Quartet?

Analysis (continued)

Gathering Blue follows Kira, a girl who has a gift for weaving and lives in a village where people with disabilities are shunned. She is assigned to repair a robe that tells the history of her world through pictures. She befriends Thomas, a boy who carves symbols on a staff, and Jo, a girl who sings songs of the past. She learns that the leaders of her village are corrupt and manipulative, and that they plan to use her, Thomas, and Jo for their own purposes.

Messenger follows Matty, a boy who has a special ability to heal living things and lives in Village, a place where people from different backgrounds and cultures are accepted and respected. He works as a messenger, delivering messages and goods between Village and other nearby settlements. He is also friends with Leader, the man who guides Village with his ability to see beyond. Leader is actually Jonas from The Giver. Matty has to deliver a message to Kira, who lives in another village, before Village closes its borders to outsiders.

Son follows Claire, a girl who was assigned to be a birthmother in Jonas's community in The Giver. She gives birth to a baby boy, who is taken away from her and given to another family. She later learns that he is Gabriel, the baby that Jonas took with him when he escaped. She decides to look for him and ends up in Village, where she meets Einar, a man who teaches her how to be strong and brave. She also meets Trademaster, a mysterious man who offers her a deal: he will help her find Gabriel if she gives him her youth.


In conclusion, The Giver Quartet is a series of four books by Lois Lowry that explore different aspects of a futuristic society where people live under strict rules and regulations. The books are loosely connected by characters and settings, but each book has its own plot and themes. The books deal with topics such as memory, freedom, identity, community, sacrifice, and love.

The Giver Quartet is a series that can appeal to readers who enjoy dystopian fiction, young adult literature, or Lois Lowry's works. It offers a captivating story of four young people who discover their gifts and their destinies in a world that tries to control them. It also offers a thought-provoking commentary on the values and morals of society and humanity.

If you are interested in reading The Giver Quartet or other books by Lois Lowry, you can download a free pdf version of Messenger by clicking on the link below.

Download Lois Lowry Messenger Free Pdf Here


Here are some frequently asked questions about The Giver Quartet and its author.

  • Who is Lois Lowry?

Lois Lowry is an American author who has written more than 40 books for children and young adults. She is best known for her Giver Quartet series, which consists of The Giver (1993), Gathering Blue (2000), Messenger (2004), and Son (2012). She has won two Newbery Medals for The Giver and Number the Stars (1989), as well as many other awards and honors.

  • What is the Giver Quartet?

The Giver Quartet is a series of four books by Lois Lowry that explore different aspects of a futuristic society where people live under strict rules and regulations. The first book, The Giver , follows Jonas , a boy who receives memories of the past from an old man called The Giver . The second book, Gathering Blue , follows Kira , a girl who has a gift for weaving and lives in a village where people with disabilities are shunned. The third book, Messenger , follows Matty , a boy who has a special ability to heal living things and lives in Village , a place where people from different backgrounds and cultures are accepted and respected. The fourth book, Son , follows Claire , a girl who was assigned to be a birthmother in Jonas's community in The Giver . She gives birth to Gabriel , the baby that Jonas took with him when he escaped.

  • What are some of the themes and messages of the Giver Quartet?

Some of the themes and messages of the Giver Quartet are: - Memory is important for learning from the past and creating a better future. - Freedom is essential for human dignity and happiness. - Identity is shaped by one's gifts and choices, not by one's appearance or status. - Community is based on mutual respect and care, not on fear or conformity. - Sacrifice is noble and heroic, while greed is destructive and evil. - Love can overcome hate, even in the darkest times.

  • How are the books connected to each other?

The books are connected to each other by characters and settings, but each book has its own plot and themes. For example, Jonas from The Giver is Leader in Messenger and Son . Kira from Gathering Blue is Matty's friend in Messenger . Gabriel from The Giver is Claire's son in Son . Village is the place where Jonas, Matty, and Claire end up in different books. Forest is the place that surrounds Village and affects its inhabitants in different ways.

  • Where can I find more information about the Giver Quartet and Lois Lowry?

You can find more information about the Giver Quartet and Lois Lowry on her official website: You can also follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.



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