Exhibition : Y∞NIVERSE
Artist : Y∞n Hong
Curator : Y∞n Hong
Location : Art Bit Gallery 1F & 2F, Seoul, South Korea
Date : May 15th - 23th
Time : 11:30 am - 7 pm
Y∞n Hong's first solo exhibition Y∞NIVERSE invites the audience to big and small universes in which viewers are led to reflect themselves in facets of the infinite space.
That 'all beings are interconnected in the current of ever-flowing Universe from a micro to a macro level' are her philosophy which she conveys through diverse media including paintings, interactive installations, videos, performance films, and digital collages. In addition, she strives for neutralization of gender roles in the act of creation by pouring glitters and period blood on canvases and other platforms of action painting.
The first solo exhibition of new media artist Seongyun Hong (Y∞n Hong) is Y∞NIVERSE . The universe and the individual encompassing the galaxy are In order to find the connectivity of the microcosm, the audience is invited to her universe.
She expresses her philosophy that 'all beings, large and small, are connected in the process of an endlessly flowing universe' through painting, digital collage, video art, performance art, and installation art in which the audience directly participates. In addition to paint, feminine elements such as glitter and menstrual blood
use by creating Like Jackson Pollock Action painting and the act of 'creation' by pouring paint on the canvas Masculine social and art-historical Attempts to neutralize stereotypes.

Planetary Passage (Way of the planet)
(on-going series)
Acrylic on canvas
2018 - ∞
★ click each work to see in detail ★
★ open for commissions and custom orders ★
A planet cannot illuminate without a starlight.
A same story applies for a work of art.
Without caring eyes, it may be nothing more than a meteorite floating around in darkness until it finds an orbit to settle in.
These series of paintings resemble macro planets with individual climates and topographies of Y∞niverse. From another viewpoint, they may represent small facets of one big planet.
A planet without the sun does not shine.
So is the picture. Without a caring light, wandering in the dark in search of a path to settle on the meteorite it's just
These pictures are myriad of different It is reminiscent of planets or numerous fragments of a planet.

Que Sera , 40 x 40 cm, 2018
Golden Slumber , 20 x 20 cm, 2018
Euphoria , 20 x 20 cm, 2018
Labradorite , 40 x 40 cm, 2018
Vale , 30 x 30 cm, 2018
Lapis Lazuli , 30 x 30 cm, 2018
Venus , 40 x 40 cm, 2018
Mithuna , 20 x 20 cm, 2018

Soma, 40 x 40 cm, 2018
to see more paintings>>

💖 These were free gifts for the viewers 💖

1 + 1 =
Mixed media installation, video, 2018
Is it two when a drop of water, paint, ink, light, shadow, emotion and more is added to one another?
This installation invites the viewer to pour glitters into the jars and witness a cosmic phenomenon where glitters fall like stardusts and form one thick body of at the end. The video shows how drops of pigment combine and split constantly as they defy the conventional mathematical system. It plays with sound of 110 frequency.
Water and water, paint and paint, light and light, shadow and shadow, or emotion Numerous other beings when added to each other,
1 plus 1 is Can value be measured by the convention of 2? ?
In this installation art, the audience directly pours glitter into a bottle, and the individual sees a cosmic phenomenon in which countless stars fall and eventually form a single shape. It is a space where you can create and witness for yourself. The video played later shows the phenomenon of endless fusion and scattering of water droplets or paints against the laws of mathematics with 110 frequency.

Galaxy and Human
97% of both bodies
consist of the same elements.
We, who contain Universes ourselves,
are powerful and extraordinary

What is greater than a birth is its following sacrifice.
My blood, which I painfully pour to bear a life, is the act of Mother Nature
repeatedly destroying to create.

Star-beings (beings of the stars)

Digital collage, installation, 2018
This installation of family photograph-sized pictures that are anonymous and the homely interior furnitures walks in between private and public, friendliness and strangeness, and micro and macro beings. A viewer is encountered by mirrors, which are installed in the beginning and the end, and is encouraged to reflect own presence in empty faces of the photographs which convey that a single individual is starstuff of Universe.
Anonymous but recognizable a person's life The photos and installation of homely interiors It forms the intersection of public and private, affection and eccentricity, and large and small beings. The audience faces the mirror at the beginning and the end, and by reflecting themselves on the deleted face, each individual finds his or her existence in the photos of the universe made of stars.

name: (Hong Seong Yoon)
I am Hong Seong Yoon, 1st grade 2nd Classroom #68 at Lila Elementary School.
I am living with mom, dad, grandmother, and a little brother.
I like to draw pictures.
I want to become an artist in the future.

Pour He-art

Period blood, resin, acrylic on canvas 20 x 40 cm 2018
I poured my period blood on white paint to manifest a contrast between the destructive & painful lunar cycle women suffer and 'pureness', which the society tends to impose on women. Not only a pivotal part of humanity, but menstruation is a sacred act of creation.
Contrary to the innocence/innocence that women are sometimes forced to do, menstrual blood is shed directly into white paint to capture the destructive pain that women have to go through every month and 50 years to give birth to life. drew a picture. Physiology is not only important to mankind, but in itself is a noble creative act.

Shin on nose
Performance Film, 3 min 12 sec, 2017
The performance subverts the expected power dynamics between spectacle & spectator, passive & aggressive, beauty & ugliness and private & public.
This performance art is a spectacle & Spectator, Passive & Aggressive attitudes, personal and public views, are universally expected in the sequence overturn the position. It is mainly considered as a technique for beauty or disguise. Modern cremation was a ceremonial act to bolster arms and confrontation among indigenous peoples. It also gives historical significance.
Performance Film, 11 min 53 sec, 2017
It's a female version of 'Pinocchio', an Italian story of boyhood. In 'Pinocchia', Y∞n is both the creator and the puppet in attempt to animate herself on the street of Florence, Italy. Vulnerable yet outstanding, she wanders around and absorbs the world with curiosity and passion.
In Florence, Italy, the birthplace of the novel 'Pinocchio', this work represents the position of the opposite sex of 'Pinocchio', and the female creator and the puppet are realized in person. He is anxious but curious and strong among passing cars and passersby. oriental woman existence engraved
Blue Magic
Performance Film, 5 min 21 sec, 2017
Y∞n performs a Medicine Woman who mediates between spirits and heals souls by sacred rituals. Mixing time sequence, she disrupts the normal passage of time, where a death is appeared to be the ending of a life, and rather links the two main events inside the film -- newly born flowers and a dead animal.
It is a work that performs the shamanistic ritual of Medicine Woman who mediates and heals the spirits of the world and the afterlife. The links between the main events of freshly bloomed flowers and dead animals are mixed with the existing flow of time, and beauty and tragedy are also equalized.

Vortexcape , ink drawing, 61 x 41 cm, 2018

Midnight Breeze of Stars
Acrylic on canvas
50 X 50 cm

Acrylic on canvas
50 X 50 cm
Acrylic on canvas
50 X 50 cm
Acrylic on canvas
50 X 50 cm
Acrylic on canvas
50 X 50 cm
The drawings above and paintings below are big and small facets of Y∞niverse. From human body cells to aurora of the sky, they resemble patterns that repeat in enlarging scales of Universe.
The upper drawing and lower painting represent the large and small pieces of the Y∞ niverse. From human cells to the aurora in the sky, he draws a pattern of nature that occurs repeatedly between large and small beings.

Resin, acrylic on canvas
20 X 20 cm

Resin, acrylic on canvas
20 X 20 cm
Growth Ring
Resin, acrylic on canvas
20 X 20 cm

Resin, acrylic on canvas
20 X 20 cm

Waves, Acrylic on canvas, 21 X 105 cm, 2018

Armageddon, Mixed media on canvas, 60 X 90 cm, 2018

Shells on Shore, Acrylic on canvas, 50 X 90 cm, 2018

Energy Room: Blooming Chakras
I appreciate your presence in Y∞niverse at this precious moment.
I value a new bridge between your universe and mine.
Thank you.